Home » Our Programs » Older Adults » Neighborhood Center
neighborhood center
Where older adults are connected, active & inspired
Call: 212-473-8217
電話: 212-473-8217
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At the Neighborhood Center we engage older adults with varied, vibrant programs that promote Longevity through Education, Art, Recreation and Nutrition.
Working in close partnership with our other sites across the Lower East Side, we ensure our older neighbors stay in good health with nutritious meals, meal delivery for those who are homebound, a monthly food pantry, blood pressure screenings, and regular opportunities for health education. We keep active with fitness and dance classes, volunteering, and community advocacy. We build connection through technology tutoring, mental health referrals, and telephone reassurance. And we keep everyone inspired by coordinating arts and culture activities and classes, as well as intergenerational activities.
Services are available in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese. We are located at 189 Allen Street on the first floor, as are the Manhattan offices of Project Home, University Settlement’s housing services program.
我們提供英語、西班牙語、普通話和粵語服務。我們位於艾倫街 189 號一樓,也是大學安置區住房服務計畫 Project Home 的曼哈頓辦公室。