Category: Press Release

Rally for Childcare at Grand St. Settlement

  Yesterday, Melissa Aase, CEO of University Settlement, stood alongside NYC leaders at Grand St. Settlement to hear the Comptroller’s new report on childcare – and to rally against devastating cuts proposed in the Mayor’s

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on ‘Shattered Dreams’

By Melissa Aase, CEO, University Settlement  Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., an American hero whose life was cut tragically short by racist violence, and whose legacy he

Forging powerful connections with older New Yorkers

Wellness Together social worker Jia Xin Huang with our neighbor Louise By Melissa Aase, CEO, University Settlement  Over the last several months we’ve accomplished a five-fold expansion of Wellness Together, our program for keeping homebound

University Settlement appoints Aaron Daniels to its Board of Directors

New York, NY – Aaron Daniels (Partner, Chief Operating Officer & General Counsel, Brigade Capital Management) has been elected to University Settlement’s Board of Directors, the nation’s first settlement house announced today. Daniels joined Brigade

A Moment of Mourning and Outcry for Jordan Neely

By Melissa Aase, CEO of University Settlement Jordan Neely was failed by our systems throughout his life, and after it. We are disappointed, frustrated, and saddened by yesterday’s verdict, which will not make our communities

A note of solidarity with our community

By Melissa Aase, CEO of University Settlement With the results of yesterday’s election established, I’d like to share a message of solidarity with all members of our community – including staff, neighbors, program participants, and

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